Welcome from the Principal

Dr. Kiena Hughley Principal

Greetings Obama Family, 

I am very humbled and honored to introduce myself as the new principal of Barack Obama Elementary School.  I can assure you that I share in the district’s mission to educate students through expectations of excellence, and to prepare them for a lifetime of success. I firmly believe that every child can succeed and that the cooperation between home and school builds trust and self-esteem in students.   I obtained my undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of Akron.  I went on to further my education at Cleveland State University earning both a Master of Education and Educational Specialist degree in Curriculum & Instruction and Educational Leadership.  I received my doctorate of education from Youngstown State University where I presented my dissertation, Disproportionate Representation of African American Males in Special Education . It has been published in the Journal of Educational Leadership. 

Education has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. Professionally and personally I have experience developing and implementing instructional programs for youth. I have background presenting within multicultural, inclusionary, and regular education classrooms.  My interests include:  special education, family therapy, restorative justice, and dispelling microaggressions in education. My hobbies include serving the community through my organizations, traveling whenever and wherever I can (I enjoy beaches the most!), planning and hosting parties, baking, making  chocolate treats, making candles, and reading and writing.


Dr. Kiena S. Hughley

Contact Information

Dr. Kiena Hughley
Phone: (216) 438-6020 ext. 4001
Email Kiena Hughley

Dean of Students
Erica Alemdar
Phone: (216) 438-6020 ext. 4036
Email Erica Alemdar

Mrs. Emma Young
Phone: (216) 438-6020 ext. 4003
Email Emma Young

Guidance Counselor
Ms. Stephanie Chandler
Phone: (216) 438-6020 ext. 4030
Email Stephanie Chandler