Hello Everyone, I hope your holidays went well, and your New Year is off to a great start!
MHHS would like to update all our scholars and families about Yondr pouches and expectations for the second semester.
One, starting Monday, January 13th, as we begin the second semester, scholars must have a pouch or leave their phones at home. If they bring phones into the school, the phones will be confiscated and only returned to parents at the end of the day. We have gotten to the point where pouches have been lost or damaged and have not been replaced. Thus, leaving the supervision of the cellphones to administration and security. This is not sustainable. Especially since the board policy prescribing that scholars will have Yondr pouches has been in effect since August of 2024. We will give a grace period of January 7th through January 10th. Then, starting on Monday, January 13th, cellphones without Yondr pouches will be confiscated and returned only to parents. Ultimately, scholars need to be responsible for their pouches and adhering to the board policy.
Two, we have 100 new pouches ready for issuing to scholars. Those who have paid will receive pouches, January 7th – January 10th, as well as those who participate in community service (those who cannot or have not paid). Parents who choose community service for their scholars must email me directly at markiel.perkins@mapleschools.com. Community service will take place after school from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm or as worked out with Dr. Perkins. It will be four hours total over two days assisting in refurbishing damaged Yondr pouches. Once the 100 pouches are gone, scholars without pouches will be prohibited from bringing cellphones into the building.
This message is going out as a courtesy to parents and scholars so they are aware of the expectations and actions being taken should this situation occur. Please have a discussion with your scholar about the policy and to ensure they have a pouch so that arrangements can be made if they do not. Thank you so much for your understanding, patience, and cooperation. Take care.
Dr. Markiel Perkins