Good afternoon parents and guardians:
Here are a few updates from the Milkovich Middle school.
Milkovich Community Concerns:
As the weather begins to change and it begins to get warmer outside, we want to seek the support of parents and guardians, in helping our students to make good decisions in the community as they travel to and from home. We are beginning to see some activity in the community as where students are not making good choices as they travel outside of school. More specifically, those who are walking home. We are getting reports from our neighbors and members of the community that students are gathering in large groups and fighting on the way home. On many occasions, students are not respecting the property of homeowners or private property. Additionally, we have seen more students are involving themselves in some menacing activities on their way home which demonstrates that some of our students are not making good choices. This not only effects communities, it also effects the safety of our students as they travel in the community.
In an effort to prevent and address the negative outcomes and mischief, we are seeking the support of parents/guardians by asking you to have crucial conversations with your student about making good choices as they travel throughout the community. Additionally, we are working with the Maple Heights City Police Department to explore mechanisms that will help with the prevention of neighborhood disturbances in the area during dismissal in order to keep things orderly as students exit the property and as they begin their walk home. Again, I am seeking your help and your assistance as we work together to make sure that our students are safe on the way home and being respectful within their communities.
The Ohio State Tests will be administered at Milkovich on the following dates.
OST Testing
ELA -- April 10 and April 11
Math April 23 and April 24
Science (8th grade only) April 30 and May 1
We are seeking the support of parents and guardians to make sure that students are at school on time and that they get plenty of rest the night before. Students who arrive to school between 7:30 AM and 7:45 AM will have an opportunity to get breakfast. If students are unable to get here during that time, we ask that parents and guardians please make sure the students receive a healthy breakfast prior to the test. Please make sure that your student has their Chromebook charged for testing.
Dress Code: As the weather begins to warm up, we want to remind families of the dress code for students here at Milkovich Middle School. The following are not allowed items to be worn at school: short crop tops, spaghetti strap tops, pajama pants, or pajama tops. Shorts should be the length that extends to the tips of one’s fingertips.
Please adhere to the upcoming dates for eighth grade promotion, and end of year activities.
May 17th–8th grade dance and celebration – 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM.
May 20–8th grade skating party – during the school day
May 2 2nd –8th grade, promotion, and awards – 10:15 AM – Maple Heights High School Athletic Center.
Middle School Awards for sixth grade and seventh grade
Friday, May 24, 2024
Sixth grade – 8:30 AM
Seventh grade 10:00 AM
May 27, 2024: No school for students on Memorial Day
May 29, 2024 – Last day of school for all students
Vikki Pruitte-Sorrells
Vikki Pruitte-Sorrells
Milkovich Middle School
19800 Stafford Avenue
Maple Heights, Ohio 44137