8th grade promotion

It is that time of year already to start talking about 8th grade promotion. We will have one promotion ceremony to be held for all 8th grade students on May 22, 2024. The promotion ceremony will be held at Maple Heights High School in the Wiley Athletic Center with the ceremony being held from 10:15 AM to 11:30 AM. Since it will be held in a larger venue, you will be able to bring four people to attend the ceremony. There is a maximum capacity for the venue, so please adhere to the four person limit and be mindful because we do not want to have to turn people away. The students will be bussed from the Middle School to the High School and back on this day. If any parent would like to take their child home after the promotion ceremony, you will need to sign them out in the back of the Athletic Center.

Students who do not meet promotion requirements will not be permitted to participate in the promotion ceremony. Students and parents will be notified no later than May 20, 2024 if your child will not be participating. If you have questions regarding your child’s eligibility to participate in promotion activities, you may contact Mrs. Feldman 8th grade school counselor after May 20, 2024. The cut off for grades will be May 9, 2024 to be passing for the dance requirements. The students can continue to work on passing after that time, but must be passing by May 9th to attend the dance.

Students should come dressed for the ceremony in appropriate attire. We want this to be a special event, so please refrain from sweat pants, t-shirts, and/or anything too revealing for school. If you need, please refer to the school’s dress code policy.

In order to participate in the promotion activities, the student must not be suspended at the time of the promotion. Our students will not be permitted to participate in the promotion if they are not passing the 8th grade.

Our 8th grade dance is also coming up. It will be held at the middle school from 5:00-7:00 PM on May 17, 2024. If your child has received any out of school suspensions, in school suspensions, more than 8 red passes (late to class), emergency removals between March 18 - May 17, or is in danger of failing the 8th grade, he/she cannot attend the 8th grade dance. We will also be attending a field trip to United Skates on May 20th following the same criteria.

These criteria were shared with the students at the beginning of the 4th quarter. The 4th quarter began on March 12, 2024 but it was stated to the students that the criteria would be put into effect March 18, 2024.

Congratulations 8th graders! All of your hard work has paid off, and we wish you much success in high school.

Thank you for your cooperation. I am looking forward to seeing you there!


Mrs. Vikki Pruitte-Sorrells Head Principal

Ms. Brynn Morris 8th Grade Assistant Principal

“Educating Our Students, through EXPECTATIONS of EXCELLENCE, to Prepare Them for a Lifetime of SUCCESS”