Hello, parents! We are excited to announce that we will be starting an All-Pro Dad Chapter here at all of our buildings! All Pro Dad is a monthly gathering where dads get to intentionally engage with their kids! This of course is not just limited to dads, but all children must be accompanied by an adult. There will be fun activities and a character-based curriculum (Pre-K through 12th) that helps dads start meaningful conversations with their kids. We will kick off All-Pro Dads during the National Fathers Walk on Thursday, September 19th.
Parenting Partners Leadership Academy
We’re starting a new Parenting Partners Leadership Academy to increase positive family-school partnerships that will help our children to succeed. We want to personally invite YOU to be part of a new and exciting opportunity at our schools. PPLA is a six-course training which culminates in a cap and gown graduation. Don't miss this opportunity to know, grow, and become a certified parent leader training. A spot is waiting for you. Use the QR code or link for pre-registration.